A Taste of His Own Medicine

A few minutes later…

All the hostages who had been held in Guan Qing Hall had been rescued. Xiao Hang led the Secret Service agents into the hall. They simultaneously responded to the hostages while also arresting the thugs inside.

Xiao Hang was most worried about Zhao Yu's safety, so once he entered the hall, the first thing he did was look for Zhao Yu. He found Zhao Yu and the hostages were all safe, but Zhao Yu was behaving oddly, which made him feel uneasy.

At that moment, Zhao Yu was sitting with his back to the door in a secluded corner at the side of the hall, holding a man in his arms. Zhao Yu was stroking the man's forehead. The man appeared to have been stricken with insanity and was muttering something non-stop. This…

Xiao Hang froze for a moment, worried that Zhao Yu was in some kind of danger. He hurriedly, but carefully, walked over with his pistol.