A Special Type of Boat

By the time Zhao Yu left Bei Gang City and returned to the Seven Stars Hanging Coffins, it was already well after three in the afternoon.

Control over the arrest of the suspect, Bai Lang, had been handed over to Leader Fang Kaiyu to deal with. As for the interrogation of the funeral parlor staff to find Bai Lang's associates, that issue was entrusted to Wu Xiumin.

Therefore, at the present moment, Xiong Wendong and his team of police officers were accompanying Zhao Yu back to the cliff under the Seven Stars Hanging Coffin.

Based on a prior arrangement, when Zhao Yu and the others arrived, there were already several local boatmen who often operated boats, as well as professional ship engineers waiting on site.

Although the exact method was still unclear, Zhao Yu was now more inclined to believe that the criminals had used ships to put the corpses into the hanging coffins.