Chapter 1492-emergency warning

Just as PU Jiayou and his men shook off the enemy, Zhao Yu and his men had already rushed out of the valley with the many defeated soldiers, and were going down a slope.

However, before they could reach the end of the slope, they suddenly saw a burst of light coming from the front. As the light got closer and closer, they heard a terrifying gunshot!

Tap tap tap tap ...

Tut, tut, tut ...

The gunfire was particularly bright in the dark night, and it was very scary. After a round of shooting, there were screams in the open space in front of the mountain.

Zhao Yu had night vision, so he could see clearly. It turned out that two Jeeps were driving over from the left side of the mountain road, and the people in the Jeeps were shooting at the crowd with rifles.

Needless to say, these people must be the enemies who had come from another passage. This was a rhythm that was completely ruthless!