The war that has not ended

Tap tap tap tap ...

After Zhao Yu's burst of bullets, several enemy soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

As for the universal scope, Zhao Yu was getting more and more familiar with it. Every time he faced an enemy, he could accurately aim at the target in the shortest time possible.

When the fight was intense, he even had the illusion that he was playing a game, and that he was the kind who had cheated.

Through the video sent back by the drone, he began to take care of the enemies who invaded the village one by one. He rushed to wherever there were more people!

Along the way, he quickly rushed to the Northwest of the village, where a large group of enemies were besieging village chief Salman and the others.

Salman and a few villagers were trapped in a brick house. Due to the enemy's strength, they had no way to fight back and were about to lose their lives.