Chapter 1611-seeking revenge

"Boss," before breakfast, a tall and burly Eastern European man in a suit entered Jake's bedroom and reported respectfully in the local language,"we've checked the surveillance footage of the nightclub. The Chinese man really went to the bathroom and stayed there for more than 20 minutes.

"There's no window in the bathroom. He couldn't have left halfway!" He said.

"Oh ... 20 minutes? he's really good at pulling!" Jecca put on his gold-rimmed pajamas, which covered his well-developed muscles. Then, he looked at the mirror and combed his hair while raising his eyebrows and saying,"but, it's impossible. Ever since he came to corsovia, he has been in my sight. It's impossible for him to do anything else!

"Also, last night, he only stayed in the bathroom for 20 minutes. If he was the one who infiltrated the website and planted the Trojan Horse, then he would have to be able to fly!"