Desperated in the Sahara (1)

In fact, Ding Lan had lied. In Maca Stadium, not only were there secret services waiting for them, but there was also a hidden safe house that could provide them with shelter.

It was precisely because there was a football match in Maca Stadium that there were many people, making it easier for them to hide. Even if the police were to track them down, they would only think that they had made use of the crowd to escape.

Of course, Ding Lan couldn't mention the safe house again because of Rena's temporary participation.

No one had expected that the case of Miao kun's disappearance would be investigated to such an extent that three men and a woman from different camps would be closely tied together.

However, when Rena asked about the clues of the case, Zhao Yu and Ding Lan kept their promise and told her everything about how they found Hu lingye's real residence in the basement of the nameless bar, as well as the laptop.