The only suspect

Feeling his head clear, Zhao Yu had a great appetite and finished all the food on the table.

After he finished eating, he returned to his office in the police station full of energy.

After entering the room, the team members who were working hard immediately came forward to report the latest situation to Zhao Yu.

Cui Lizhu interviewed ge Bing's sister, Ge Hua, again.

Now, Ge Hua had already heard the news of ge Bing's death and was extremely sad.

As a woman, she had an inevitable side to her.

During the entire interrogation process, she kept criticizing the bride, keshenia, saying that this woman was a jinx and that she was the main culprit behind the GE family's misfortune.

If ge bing had not been so smitten by this woman, all these things would not have happened!

In addition, Ge Hua was also deeply remorseful.