You Have to Go Alone

Each 'I, Chui Ming, have lost' was more severe than the preceding one.

It was as if he wasn't saying 'I, Chui Ming, have lost' but 'I will kill you, Xinghe'!

After the humiliating litany, Chui Ming launched a sudden kick at a nearby chair and the chair went flying into the air—


It landed with a heavy thud. Everyone could feel the anger radiating off of Chui Ming.

He glared intimidatingly at Xinghe before turning to leave with angry steps.

His murderous intent increased with each step.

He swore to kill Xia Xinghe and everyone related to her!

Everyone present was impressed by Chui Ming's murderous aura. They couldn't help but worry for Xinghe. Even though today she had won, would she be able to bear Chui Ming's coming rage?

They had no idea even if Xinghe didn't openly challenge Chui Ming, he would still plot for their demise.

Xinghe, on her part, was never afraid of him seeking revenge!