He Has Sold You Out

Wu Rong hissed at Xinghe, "You b*tch, how dare you hurt my daughter!"

She climbed up with the support of a chair which she later picked up and swung at Xinghe.

Xinghe expertly avoided it and countered with another kick. Wu Rong crumbled to the floor and the chair in her hands landed heavily only a hair's breadth away from her head.

"Mom, are you alright‽" Wushuang crawled over and asked hurriedly.

Wu Rong pulled herself up with gritted teeth. "I'm fine! Wushuang, call the cops! The b*tch is trespassing and has assaulted us. Call the police and have her arrested!"

"Right…" Wushuang pulled out her cellphone and dialed the police number in a hurry.

This time it was Xinghe's who made the careless mistake. She was on the wrong side of the law. There was no way she was going to wiggle out of this one!

Even though Wushuang suffered some surface wounds, her heart was happy.