The Power of Hatred

Another heavy blow later, Chui Ming could feel his teeth wobbling.

However, Xiao Mo didn't let up. In fact, the assault came faster and stronger.

He pressed down hard on Chui Ming, not giving him any chance to escape or counter. He was ready to punch Chui Ming into a bloody pulp.

Chui Ming's initial struggle eventually stopped and he surrendered himself to the crazed Xiao Mo.

Even though Xiao Mo's shoulder was pierced through by a bullet, he was relentless.

He was fueled by the power of hatred!

Resentment that was bottled up over the years was released all at once. How could Xiao Mo not go crazy with bloodlust?

He was guided by one basic impulse, which was to beat Chui Ming to his death!

That one thought overwhelmed everything else in Xiao Mo's mind, even his sanity.

Like a possessed man, he saw nothing but blood in his eyes.