The Truth

"To see Xia Wushuang," Xinghe answered.

Wushuang was also hospitalized at the same place. When Xinghe walked into her ward, it only hit her how serious Wushuang's situation was.

Her whole body, especially her face, was bandaged. The bandage started from the bottom left of her chin, crossed her nose, and circled her head.

Even though the injuries were hidden under the bandage, it was obvious her face was badly wounded.

In fact, she was so banged up that one would have difficulty telling that it was Wushuang lying in the bed.

If not for the pair of hate-filled eyes that glared straight at Xinghe, Xinghe wouldn't be certain it was indeed her.

"B*tch, you will pay for this…" Wushuang growled like a broken windpipe the moment Xinghe walked in.

Xinghe smiled lightly. "Oh, it's you, Xia Wushuang. I'm surprised you're still alive."