
When Xia Zhi saw her awake at such an early hour, he asked in surprise, "Sis, why are you up so early? Are you not feeling well?"

Xinghe shook her head. "I'm fine, just going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water."

"Okay." Xia Zhi turned back to the football match.

Xinghe poured herself a glass of water and joined Xia Zhi on the sofa. She took two slow sips of the water and said nonchalantly, "Actually, I haven't been sleeping…"

Xia Zhi turned to her curiously. "Then what were you doing? Was the sound of the TV too loud?"

"No, that's fine. I was actually up reading a novel."

"What novel is so interesting that you're up all night reading it?"

"No, it's because I couldn't sleep that I picked up a random novel to read, not the other way around. It was a weird story that starts with the main character having the same dream over and over again. I couldn't understand it so I eventually put it away."