Regarding Our Engagement

However, Tianxin thought this was just Xinghe putting on a face, forcing herself to be calm.

After all, what else can the b*tch do?

She must be dying inside!

The thought of Xinghe's inner turmoil tickled her heart. It made her want to laugh out loud.

Of course, she couldn't laugh but the smile on her face was bright as ever.

"By the way, Mubai, why did you invite Miss Xia today?" Tianxin, in her gracious mood, decided to share her spotlight with Xinghe, going so far to refer to her as Miss Xia.

This question had been troubling many other people in the box as well.

Right then, the waiters finished serving the food.

"Bon appetit, if there's anything you need, please ring the service bell," the lead server said with a smile. Then, he ushered his colleagues out, closing the door behind him.