This Is For You

"A long day at work?" Mubai asked when he heard her audible sigh.

"It's nothing," Xinghe didn't feel tired, she didn't really do much that day… other than chasing Ruobing and her pair of lackeys out.

"I've heard about the thing with Yun Ruobing. It's only your first day and you've done something of that scale," Mubai added suddenly.

Xinghe stared at him, wondering whether he was being critical of her action.

She explained matter-of-factly, "I would have left it be if she didn't come for me first."

So really, Ruobing could blame no one but herself.

Mubai gave a series of short laughs, "Truth be told, I've been waiting to get rid of her."

Xinghe was honestly surprised by this revelation.