Burning Shame

Even Mrs. Xi was giving her the cold shoulder. "Well, Yun Ruobing, we're ready to hear your explanation. Why did this happen?"

"I, but I really don't know, everything should go just fine…" Ruobing stammered on, her body spoke of one emotion, despair.

"But how can you not know?" Mrs. Xi pressed.

"Of course she doesn't know what's wrong with the product, the design is not hers to begin with," Xinghe's clear voice cut through the crowd.

They turned towards her immediately—

She was walking their way in an unhurried manner, her confidence silencing the crowd.

Ruobing also looked her way and her eyes widened with comprehension.

She finally understood what went wrong. Xinghe had told them since the very beginning: the design was a fake!

That meant the arm she was holding had to be the real one!

Ruobing broke out in cold sweat knowing the truth was going to be revealed soon.