Two Hungry Wolfhounds

The two men left after they'd finished threatening her.

Right then, Xinghe's cell phone rang.

During the trip there, the kidnappers didn't do anything to her. They didn't even confiscate her phone.

Either they are incredibly stupid or these people are up to something.

The two men didn't act like kidnappers, they were too amateurish.

Xinghe scoffed and answered her phone.

It was from Mubai.

It had been 30 minutes since their last call and he was getting worried because Xinghe hadn't arrived.

"Are you close?" Mubai asked in a low voice, "Too much traffic?"

"I was kidnapped," Xinghe said directly.

"What‽" Mubai tried his best not to scream in the restaurant, "Where are you now?"

Lin Lin across from him saw his reaction and started to get antsy in his seat. His pair of black eyes was fixated on Mubai.