Hundreds of Humiliating Slaps

He actually believed her just like that, and even helped Xinghe deal with the Chu family, completely disregarding their families' previous ties.

Envy rose up within Tianxin as her crocodile tears dried. "You believe everything she says‽"

"That's right!" Mubai answered without hesitation.

His answer was so final that Tianxin felt that even if Xinghe told him to kill himself, he would.

Tianxin could feel her world imploding. Earlier when her parents were apprehended, she didn't even feel despair as heavy as this.

But now the heavy weight of despair was suffocating her.

She missed out on the chance to kill Xinghe and now she'd seen for herself how much Mubai was in love with Xia Xinghe… What chance did she have left?

She could never marry him and make him hers!

The despair of losing Mubai caused Tianxin to shake uncontrollably. The shaking was unnatural and disturbing, like something within was breaking out of her body…