A Stranger's Face

"Young Mistress, please cooperate or we'll have to use drugs."

Xinghe's eyes shook and after some deliberation, decided that it was in her best interest to cooperate for now.

Auntie Ding and the bodyguards nodded satisfactorily. They wheeled her out the room heading towards the elevator.

The moment Xinghe left the room, she realized she was at First Hospital.

Along the way, they crossed many doctors, nurses, patients and visitors. They didn't pay her much attention, at most stopping their gaze on her for a few seconds before moving on.

A woman in a wheelchair was nothing extraordinary at the hospital.

However, every cell in Xinghe's body was screaming that something was totally out of the ordinary.

Ever since she woke up, Xinghe could feel that something was different, out of place, but no matter how hard she tried to figure out what, she couldn't.

While Xinghe was lost in thought, they finally arrived before the elevator.