A Conspiracy and a Dream

If one had to sum up Xia Meng's life with a single word, it was misery.

When she was 13, her father disappeared, leaving Xia Meng and her mother to fend for themselves. A single mother with a young, teenage girl, life was not kind towards them.

Regrettably, things didn't take a turn for the better; her mother passed away in a car accident soon after.

She'd lost both her parents before she'd even reached the legal drinking age. Before she met Ye Shen, she depended on her relatives' kindness to survive and those instances of kindness were few and far between.

She was given a temporary reprieve when she met Ye Shen in university. He pursued her with full force and treated her like she was the queen of his world.

Xia Meng thought her luck was going to change then. She believed in Ye Shen's love for her.

She thought she could rely on him for support when he proposed.

Alas, how wrong she was!