Xia Xinghe Is Finally Awake

But what if he doesn't believe me?

Therefore, instead of saying it outright and claiming that she was Xinghe, she decided to first plant a seed of doubt in his mind.

The name of my host is Xia Meng, the Young Mistress of the Ye Family.

Mubai narrowed his eyes at this statement and when he leaned in to type his next question, a maid burst into the study and said excitedly, "Young Master, Miss Xia is awake, she's awake!"

Mubai sprung up from his seat, his heart a bundle of joy.

"Really?" he asked in a hurry.

"Yes, she just woke up."

Mubai was ready to rush towards Xinghe but he hesitated for a moment.

He glanced at his computer and finally decided to shut it down. He then ran to check up on Xinghe.

The doctors and nurses crowded around Xinghe. She had been awake for quite some time when Mubai arrived.
