I Also Want to See Mommy

"Don't touch me."

His response was a firm rebuff from Xinghe.

Mubai wasn't angered, instead, he felt inexplicably joyful.

He had touched her before… well, they did have a son together, and she never once put up such a forceful resistance.

This meant that she didn't like him touching this borrowed body of hers…

Could it be that she is jealous?

Mubai pulled back his hands and said with a wicked smile, "Alright, I will not touch anyone for now."

He was telling Xinghe he would not get close to either her or Xia Meng.

After all, getting close to either would be equally weird for him. Xia Meng, was at the end of the day, someone else's wife and that complicated a lot of things.

However, Xinghe had a more straightforward way of looking at things. She didn't mind getting into whoever's body as long as her consciousness was still Xia Xinghe.

Of course, her original body would be best.