Xia Meng, I Will Remember You

The man's choice boiled down to die now or die later; it was despicable and cruel. The man's willingness to toy with another human being's life would qualify him as a demon! He had no respect for the sanctity of life!

Xinghe stared coldly at him. Even after a night of veritable torture, her pride remained intact. There was nothing in the world that was going to bring her down.

"My life is in your hands anyway, so do as you please," Xinghe said without fear, "But I must warn you, if I'm somehow still alive after all this, you'll regret it for as long as you may live!"

After all, she was no saint. How could she possibly forgive the man who had not only tortured her but also came for her life?

The man was surprised. Xinghe was not cowed by his torture but still had the audacity to threaten him in return.

"Quite the talker."

He tutted with derision, not at all phased by Xinghe's threat, then again, why would he be?