More Mysterious Than Us Xi

When Mubai received the news, he was at his second uncle's.

"Really‽" He asked with shock and joy. "Keep her safe, I'm coming over now!"

He hung up in a hurry and informed his cousin, Xi Munan, "We've found her, she's at the police station!"

"That's great news, I'm going with you!" Munan offered.

Mubai nodded and the two of them rushed to the police station. Only when they arrived did Mubai realize how serious Xinghe's injuries were.

She was still unconscious and the police had helped her find a doctor. Mubai was furious when he saw her bruised body and pale face. "What happened to her‽"

A police officer answered as he pointed at the driver, "Mr. Xi, according to this kind sir, Miss Xia appeared to be targeted by some mysterious group of people. However, her conditions have stabilized. She is only resting now."