Feng Family

Mubai bent down and whispered gently, "How are you feeling? Is it better?"

Xinghe shook her head slowly and wheezed, "I'm fine…"

"Who did all this?" Mubai asked after a moment's pause. Seeing Xinghe like this tore at his heart. He wished he could scoop her up into a hug, to give her some physical comfort but he knew he couldn't… because that would be crossing the line. He could care about her from afar and he would need to satisfy himself with that for now.

Xinghe shook her head again. "I have no idea…"

"Any useful information?"

"The man is looking for the energy crystal. The one with Ye Shen, we mustn't let it fall into his hands."

"Alright, I will arrange for my man to go search for it." Mubai nodded his promise.

Xinghe looked at him and said weakly, "Don't let me forget the things that happened to me, I must make them pay…"