His Boiling Blood

The moment Mubai returned to the small villa, he received news of Xinghe's recovery. The first time the maid informed him, he thought he was dreaming. After a second confirmation from the maid, he finally believed that Xia Xinghe had really awakened!

He quickly dashed to meet her, there was a natural spring in his step. As he got closer to Xinghe's room, his heart beat quickened. It had been a long time since he felt so nervous…

He felt like a kid going to meet his crush.

He pushed open the room door and when he saw Xinghe sitting quietly in front of the computer, he released the breath that he didn't realize he was holding. He stared intensely at her, not willing to avert his eyes as he stepped closer to her. It was as if he was afraid she might disappear in front of his eyes if he didn't pay absolute attention.

Xinghe heard his approaching footsteps. She lifted her head and looked straight at him. "Thank you for everything."