Can You Help Munan?

Lin Lin told Xinghe everything, not withholding any information.

"Mommy, I feel so weak because I don't know how to help everyone even though I want to," Lin Lin told Xinghe helplessly. "Plus, Daddy is not home now. This must be very hard for second uncle to face alone."

Xinghe consoled her, "Actually, no one has it easy but they definitely can handle it well, so don't worry yourself too much."

"But great grandfather said, second uncle mustn't lose or it will greatly affect his future."

"Your second uncle will not lose, he will succeed," Xinghe said affirmatively.


"Of course, you have to believe him. You have to believe that the Xi family will not be defeated so easily."

Lin Lin finally smiled. "Mommy, of course you're right…"

Lin Lin felt better after talking with Xinghe. They chatted for a while longer before hanging up.