Your Contribution Will Be the Biggest

Xinghe nodded, thinking it was simpler than she thought. "Looks like, if everything goes according to plan, we will be able to take care of them very soon."

Mubai smiled. "This is all thanks to you, because you're the play maker. Without you, this would take a lot more time because if we can't take them down with one fell swoop, they might go into hiding or worse, retaliate."

Xinghe nodded with understanding. "Therefore, my work is basically to siphon away all their internal information in one go without tipping them off?"

"That's right, it's quite a difficult task, are you up for it?" Mubai asked concernedly.

Xinghe nodded confidently. "You don't need to worry about that. Unless their internal system is better defended than our country's highest intelligence unit's, it'll be no problem. However, even if it is, I'm more than willing to give it a try."