A Bet

"No way!" Wolf opposed solemnly, "This group of people is too large, we'll make such easy target and they're a bunch of defenseless women."

Ali's face fell because he was right. Wolf continued, "Ali, the three of us only came to save you; Cairn can't hold on any longer. I can only save you or else every one of us is going to die."

"But…" Ali turned to the women's scared faces with difficulty. Can we really leave them behind?

Wolf said through gritted teeth, "You guys can try escaping on your own but I would advise against that because it'll only invite death."

"No, I have to leave this place, I don't want to be sold," a woman wailed. This started a chain reaction and they begged Wolf to lead them to safety.

Wolf's face was drawn. "I'm sorry, I cannot guarantee the safety of so many people when I cannot guarantee my own safety."