Valiant Women

Things turned chaotic fast. Since Ryan's men had started the offensive, there was no reason for Sam's gang to hold back. Sam's gang had a disadvantage in terms of numbers but each of them was very well-trained, they could take on more than a handful each. That evened out the battle.

Ali pulled Xinghe back as she kicked away an opponent. She advised her loudly, "Stay close to me, I'll protect you!"

As she said so, five guys came at them.

"F*ck!" Ali cursed as she charged into the fray. However, she was ultimately a woman, and she was slowly getting overwhelmed. One of the men snuck up on her with a bat and when Ali noticed him it was already too late.

As the bat came down on Ali, suddenly a machinegun smacked at the man's head, knocking him out. Ali looked at the assailant with surprise and saw Xinghe with her usual calm demeanor.