Let the People Go Now

His ego wouldn't allow him to be threatened by a woman. Not only that, he wanted her to pay!

Barron was ready to call his men to search for Xinghe when his phone was flooded with messages. The incessant message alert gave him a bad feeling…

He opened the messages and widened his eyes in shock when he saw the contents. The more he saw, the worse his face became. The contents detailed all his drug trafficking activities. There weren't only time stamps but also pictures…

Impossible! Barron couldn't believe it. How can that woman get all of this incriminating information?

The information was limited to only his and his sellers or buyers. They wouldn't leak it out since it would implicate them, so where did she get all of this?

Barron's face darkened. He felt the threat this time. He immediately called back, the call was answered after one ring.