Die Together!

The car skidded before crashing into a tree. Unable to stop quickly enough, the cars behind it all slammed into it, causing a serial car crash…

The fleet of cars chasing them finally stopped. Cairn made use of the opportunity to escape. However, their enemy was equally lucky as one of their shots also took out Xinghe's car tires.

Cairn pressed down hard on the brake to stop them from careening into a tree trunk.

"F*ck!" Cairn cursed under his breath. He picked up the machine gun beside him and said, "We're going to have to fight our way out!"

"Get away from the car, I will cover you!" Sam yelled as he kicked open the car door and squatted behind it, using it as a shield. Wolf joined him and they both shot at their pursuers. Xinghe hauled a large chest of weapons from the car while Ali supported Charlie, Cairn provided covering fire as they rushed towards a large rock not far away from the car.