No Matter How Long

Xinghe froze when he said that.

That came out of nowhere.

Mubai seemed to be surprised by his sudden confession as well.

"Did I put too much pressure on you? I'm sorry…" He laughed to smooth over the awkwardness but then he turned serious. "But those are words from the bottom of my heart. They will not change… ever. Xia Xinghe, I will wait for you no matter how long. I will not give up, no matter what."

With that, Mubai stood up to leave. After he took a few steps, Xinghe's voice came from behind him.

"I will also do my best to figure this thing between us out. When the time is right, I will give you an answer."

Mubai froze. He whipped around suddenly and there was joy in his eyes, like he had just been given the greatest gift in the world.