Like an Underground Country

He had confidence and determination. He fully believed that only he could give Xinghe the greatest happiness and no one could love her more than him. She seemed to have sensed his thoughts and returned him a smile.

Then she averted her eyes and said, "Enough chit chat. We need to get back to work, I will hack into their system now."

"Alright," Mubai smiled and also turned back to work.

After Xinghe hacked into IV Syndicate's system and studied their surveillance. They finally knew how great this organization was. For one, the base was built underground. For another, the base was so huge that it was akin to an underground kingdom.

It was fitted with the best equipment and had airtight defense. There was a test at every door because the doors were only openable via facial recognition.

Even for Xinghe, searching through the server was a cautious business. One careless mistake and she would be found out.