Destroy Everything!

He was hell bent on flattening this organization!

None of them were going to get away, this place must be levelled!

Xinghe seemed to have understood something, her eyes that stared at the screen were frosted over.

"What are they doing to Kelly?" Ali asked in a silent whisper, she got no answer. Everyone's heart was heavy watching Kelly's tortured expression.

"Contact Lu Qi to get the antidote formula," Mubai suddenly ordered Xinghe. Xinghe didn't ask for the reason, her eyes shuddered, and she replied, "Okay."

They were indeed doing the same thing to Kelly that Saohuang had done to her. So, this was where he got the poison.

Xinghe immediately contacted Lu Qi. He was surprised when he received her call. He had many questions to ask her, but eventually, he settled with a kind reminder, "Miss Xia, take care. It's not wise to return now because there's a warrant out for your arrest."

"I know, thank you."