Announcing his Surrender

His voice came from the darkest depths of hell. "Didn't I warn you not to harm her‽ Aliyah, if you're looking for death, then I will fulfil your demand!"

He was ready to squeeze the life out of her.

"If I die, Kelly will also be dead!" Aliyah hissed through her teeth, "Philip, kill me if you dare."

Philip widened his eyes and used a great amount of self-control to release his grip.

"What do you want?" he demanded, his eyes still burning with vengeance.

Aliyah looked at his helplessness and smiled satisfactorily. "What do we want? Obviously, we want you to voluntarily step down from the race. I've even prepared the reason for you. Just say you're not feeling physically well and you don't think you're capable of shouldering the responsibility of president. It's that simple."

Philip knew this was coming. "Looks like you people have been guarded against me and not really sincere in cooperating with me."