Love to Be Slapped by You

Xia Zhi smiled proudly. "That is the greatest pride of my life. Sis, thank you for being a part of my life."

Xinghe looked at his smiling face but said no words. Xia Zhi held her eye contact and sighed. "This time last year, we were still struggling with life. I really didn't think so many things would change in a year. Sis, this is all thanks to you. You've impressed everyone and have put those that dared to bully and look down on us in their place. You've face-slapped everyone that did us wrong…"

Xinghe though apologized. "If I had recovered my memory earlier, then you and uncle wouldn't have suffered so much."

"That's fine, it's all worth it in the end. I'm very satisfied with how things worked out. Sis, how about you, are you happy?"

Xinghe nodded. The only thing she asked for in the world was for the people she cared about to be happy, she didn't yearn for anything more beyond that.