Send Him to the Depths of Hell

At that moment, Xinghe's heart skipped a beat, thinking that was Mubai, but it was not, it was Munan.

Munan turned around and saw them. He whispered, "Big Sister Xia, can we have a moment?"

Xinghe nodded and Xia Zhi walked away on his own, giving them some privacy.

Munan pushed Xinghe's wheelchair to a nearby bench. He sat down beside her and said directly, "This incident has surprised us all. When we received the news yesterday, almost the whole family collapsed…"

Even though Munan hid it well, Xinghe could hear the sadness and anger bubbling under the surface.

"Big Brother has always been the family's pride and hope, a legend in many people's hearts. We all assumed he would be that way all his life, the one standing at the forefront holding the family's future up all on his own. But who would have thought something like this would happen.