Finally Beat Xi Empire

Her decisions had always been risky, but they never failed. If not for her willingness to take risks, Bao Hwa wouldn't have risen to its current position. The shareholders were used to her way of doing things.

However, this time the risk was too high, therefore, there was hesitation. Lin Jing naturally could read their hesitation.

She advised, "This is the best time for us to strike. With Xi Mubai out of the way, the Xi family will have no time to guard against our attack. If not now, when are we going to do this?"

"CEO Lin, this is too big of a gamble, plus we don't even have fifty percent guarantee…"

Lin Jing's red lips curved into a smile. "With great risk comes great reward! Don't forget how we accrued our current wealth! It was through one great risk after another!"