You Want Shock?

They didn't realize Lin Jing's anger went beyond that. If Xi Empire's jewelry showcase was an overnight success, then what would happen to her plan to swallow Xi Empire‽

What about all the effort that she had gone through earlier?

The frustration irked her to no end. How could she, Lin Jing, who had nothing but success in her life lose to a woman like Xinghe‽

Lin Jing clenched her fists and chuckled darkly. "That's right, I do have something to say."

What? She really wants to give comments?

Xinghe smiled. "Do share your opinions with us then; we would like to improve."

"Isn't this supposed to be a peerless showcase?" Lin Jing sneered defiantly. "It doesn't shock me! Without that shock value, this cannot be called a peerless showcase!"