Mechanical Heart

Lu Qi said apologetically, "I assumed the machines could keep his conditions stable, I didn't expect his condition to deteriorate, you understand that he is not doing so well. Thankfully, there were people around when that happened…"

"He might be safe this time, but what about next time?" Xinghe asked calmly. She might look normal on the outside, but her eyes had lost their usual glow.

Lu Qi thought about it and answered, "I've considered this problem long and hard; I want to try something new."

"What is it?" A ripple crossed Xinghe's eyes.

"Transplant a mechanical heart. In other words, we'll use an artificial heart to temporarily replace the function of his real heart."

Xinghe and Xia Zhi widened their eyes. Lu Qi knew how preposterous he sounded, but this was his only idea.