Force Lin Jing Out

In truth, there wasn't really a choice. Xi Empire and Bao Hwa were at irreconcilable odds; one had to die for the other to survive. Xi Empire didn't care about Bao Hwa's assets, they were already a massive company, and now they had the commission letter from Country Y, and they also had a very profitable artificial limb company. In short, they were really not in need of money.

Everyone was struggling for more wealth but that was the only thing Xi Empire was not lacking in. Therefore, they would have no qualms about destroying Bao Hwa. In fact, Xinghe was already showing utmost kindness for giving another way out for Bao Hwa's workers.

To resist? That was a death wish!

These shareholders had been fed fat under Lin Jing, so they knew they couldn't survive on their own. Following Lin Jing earned them money, following Xi Empire also would earn them money. Of course, they would pick the better earner and that would be Xi Empire.