Force the Lin Family's Hand

Elder Lin berated him for his stupidity. "All those years floating about the political world were really wasted on you; you're even blunter than Little Xuan. Why do you think he leads Little Yan away?"

Comprehension dawned for Lin Kang. "We're sending Little Yan out?"

"She's the perfect candidate," Elder Lin said confidently. "We cannot allow this to be traced back to us, so we have to borrow someone else's hands to do this, as long as that person is not from the Lin family."

Lin Kang started to get worried. "Won't this harm Little Yan? If this thing were to be exposed…"

Elder Lin laughed. "Have you not considered Little Yan's identity? Who dares to do anything to her? At the end of the day, it's just a dead woman, there're many ways to cover that up."