Go Big or Go Home

Madam President lowered her head in shame. The Shen family was used to shielding their own shortcomings. Her father was the worst for this, he would go to unreasonable lengths to protect his own. Tong Yan was his only granddaughter, he would sacrifice his life to cover up for her.

This was why Tong Yan could commit such an atrocious crime fearlessly.

Madam President worried that the Shen family and Tong family would quarrel with the Xi family over Tong Yan's crime and this would blow up to a ridiculous proportion. Her husband would be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He might be the president, but he was also the arbitrator of many forces or else the country would be in complete chaos. However, he was still fighting his illness; she didn't want this to ruin his health.

The president understood her worry. He consoled her, "Don't worry, this will be settled quietly, and even it doesn't, it still won't kill me."