Hard Days Ahead for the Lin Family

Their plans had failed. Their chance to sit at the president's seat had disappeared. The worst thing was that this might be the beginning of the end for the Lin family.

Even though Lin Xuan was being lectured, his expression remained unchanged other than the viciousness that appeared in his eyes. "Grandfather, it is necessary for us to go after the Xi family. You also understand we're in need of money and the Xi family is the easiest target for us to get some."

"However, this mistake has completely undone all of our earlier efforts!"

Lin Kang also complained. "Ever since we decided to go after the Xi family, things started to go south for us. We sacrificed Lin Yun, Bao Hwa, and now we're being attacked from all sides. Can it be that the Xi family is really our kryptonite?"

"Regardless, we must survive this ordeal, or it'll be over for Lin family!" Elder Lin concluded harshly.