Lost Patience

"Regardless, I'm here representing the Shen family and we are indeed thankful for your help." Xinghe verbally distanced herself from him and ignored his purposeful attempt at seeking favor with her. His few days of continuous effort did nothing to change her attitude towards him. She was still as indifferent to him as ever, like he was a stranger she passed on the street.

He Lan Qi gave himself maximum three days to break Xinghe, but she was obstinate. He Lan Qi's patience was at its breaking point and coldness and impatience grew within him. However, they only appeared fleetingly.

"Then, I will continue to figure out ways to help you. If there's any progress on your side, please do inform me," He said with a passionate smile.

"Okay." Xinghe nodded slightly, her eyes glowing like a slate of clear mirror. She saw the earlier coldness in He Lan Qi's eyes clearly. Finally lost your patience?