Tracking Expert

This created the impression that she was looking for information at orphanages and that would definitely grind the other party's gears. In reality, she was putting out a bait by randomly visiting orphanages and it paid off handsomely!

Xinghe and Ali exited the car and entered the orphanage naturally. As they expected, the car tailing them also stopped. Exiting the car was a large man in a normal get-up that meant to make him look inconspicuous, he was Ah Bin, sent by He Lan Chang.

Ah Bin didn't follow them into the orphanage but walked towards a small restaurant next to it. He was a tracking expert, so he never let his victim notice his existence; he blended into the crowd perfectly like he was just a normal guy on a Monday stroll.

After he entered the restaurant, he took a corner seat by the window and used fluent Chinese to order three appetizers. Then, he pretended to relish the scenery when his complete focus was on the orphanage.