No Secret

"Xinghe, this is his passport, he is from Country R," Ali pulled from his luggage his passport and passed it to Xinghe.

Xinghe looked at it and her gaze swept over Ah Bin. "He Bin?"

He Bin answered darkly, "That's right, I am from Country R, but what can that prove? I'm following because you're rich, that's all."

Xinghe smiled lightly. Right then, the other men reported, "Mr. Xi, Miss Xia, his phone and computer are both coded, we can't open them."

He Bin felt confidence return to him. His phone and computer were locked with the most powerful code, it was a lock that normal computer experts wouldn't be able to solve. As long as they couldn't prove his connection to the He Lan family, he would shoulder all the blame.

However, He Bin soon found out how wrong he was.