I Am Not Him!

His voice was cold and devoid of warmth. He Lan Chang's brain went into another shut down when he heard him.

He widened his eyes in shock and asked with disbelief, "It was you? He Lan Qi, what are you doing‽ I am your father, have you lost your mind? What are you planning with this‽"

"Of course, he is planning to kill you, have you still not understood that?" Xinghe stood up and answered coolly.

He Lan Chang whipped his head around to stare at her. "What do you mean?"

Xinghe sighed and looked at him like he was a stubborn child. "I mean, today will be your last."

He Lan Chang's face hardened. He Lan Qi strode to before him and he levelled He Lan Chang a cheerless gaze. He Lan Chang's confused eyes met his gaze. Why would my precious son look at me in such a manner, and more than that, plan to kill me? What in the world is really happening?