Launch Centre

Of course, he was afraid that he would be exposed by the He Lan family before then and they would prop him up as the sacrificial lamb. That was why there was record of the engagement between He Lan Qi and Chui Ying in his files. He needed to show the intricate ties between the Chui family and He Lan family. He was prepared to die together with them. If he was to burn in flames, he would make sure the He Lan family burned in hell together with him.

However, when He Lan Chang forced the ultimatum on him, the evidence he gathered was still not enough to implicate the He Lan family. If Xinghe had not descended like an angel to save him, the Chui family and he would have ended up as another sacrifice in the He Lan family's evil plot.

He sighed in relief once more, because finally, everything was over…