Bring Manager Huang to Quarantine

Deqing knew the gravity of the situation and so cooperated fully. Even though the day had started to get dark, the orphanage was still chaotic. A miasma of anxiety filled the air. If a large scale contagious flu did spread through the orphanage, then their secret would be exposed. None of them would be saved from judgment even if they worked for the powerful He Lan family, therefore, all of them prayed that it was just a passing flu…

To everyone's surprise, after a long day of busying and hustling, Deqing suddenly started coughing. The first cough even caught himself by surprise. Like in a cartoon, the people around him all turned to look at him and took several steps back in unison!

"I…" Deqing opened his mouth to explain himself but was interrupted by more coughing.

Xinghe immediately ordered, "Men, take Manager Huang to quarantine for further inspection."